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Interview #2 with Gringo JR

Updated: May 4, 2021

Dear fraggers, here is a second interview we can not wait to present to you, our guest today is Gringo JR, once a time known as the young prodigy! We know very well how hard is it to patiently wait for more informations from Smilegate so we will keep doing our best to work on the website, complete our team and ever posting more content meanwhile the game becomes available. The world trip continues and we are aiming today to North-America to have a talk with Junior and knowing more about his career and his opinion on CrossfireX.


CFX ARENA : Gringo JR, first and foremost I hope you are fine. I am sincerely honored to finally present this interview to the community and wish to be working with you on more projects if the game do well. Most of the people still doesn't know you so could you please present yourself to our members before entering the heart of the matter?

JR : I'm doing good, thanks for having me, I hope Cross Fire X becomes big on Xbox and be huge in the comp scene. But Hello my name is Michael Temple Jr and I go by GRINGO JR on Xbox and PC. I've been gaming since I was a baby in diapers, slowly got into gaming and been gaming all my life with shooters, hack and slash, some command type games and platformers as well. I also have a odd brain with gaming, whenever I get into a game and put my focus on it I go all out on it and go full on depth with it too.

The kid, the myth, the legend, against FATAL1TY

CFX ARENA : You are welcome and will always be a guest as long you put your focus on CrossfireX. Back in the time you had a fame for being the youngest semi-pro player, which I think incredible and an huge source of motivations for the young people reading us. Could you please tell us more about your background into the competition through the different games you have played?

JR : So I don't remember much in my past because I was so young and hardly remember much, mainly my dad does but I'll do my best and tell what I know. But I played Ghost Recon a first person tactical shooter on the first Xbox doing some game battles with my dad and some of his pals here and there and also figuring out some things people wouldn't know with like Nade spots or smoke spots and what out or even spots that's more useful then a different as well. After Ghost Recon I was doing much, until a magazine came out and it showed some games but one game caught my whole attention. That game was Gears of War a third person cover base, tactical shooter and wanted to put all of my time, plays and figuring stuff out in the game. Also when I showed my dad it, I also couldn't read at that time and told my dad this is the game I wanna compete in.

CFX ARENA : This is truely impressive, how old were you at this time and what are the reasons that motivated you to invest your time this young into gaming?

JR : Ghost Recon I was 2 split screen with my dad and 4 I got my own console with my own Gamer Tag as well for Gamer battles. As for Gears of War I was 5 when I started playing it and played 18 lan events before MLG picked up Gears of War with my family. Me, my dad, my mom and my older brother that's two years older than me, as my teammates by the way not them coming too watch me play. Then after the 15th one I dropped my mom and my brother because they weren't good enough as players. Then on the 17th lan event it took me a moment to drop my dad but I knew he didn't have what it takes too the next level and got a different player. Oh I was also 5 telling my dad he's not good enough as a teammate by the way. Then MLG picked up Gears of War and went to MLG Chicago where I got 16th place, my first time ever doing a MLG event at 6 years old and this is the event where I beat Nadeshot when he was 14 or 15 years old before he played Call of Duty. Went to all of the MLG events for Gears of War One and Two. I have been too 50 lan events before I hit 10 years old.

Little JR versus Nadeshot

CFX ARENA : *Laught* What a bad kid! But in all franchise, that is the mentality to have to reach highests peaks, the survival of the fittest! I have heard during our pre interview meeting that you are still very close to your dad and he is still very supportive. What did GRINGO SR brang to you, and what is his role now?

JR : When I got into gaming and was understanding what words meant and actually understand English, he told me to work as a teammate with players you with, always keep my head in the game and not lose focus when I'm playing the game. Even if the game isn't me competing in, always keeping your head in the game will give you the maximum focus and play the game at maximum power you do play. Now his role at the moment is a coach and a supporter until Cross Fire X comes out and us trying a Father and Son duo again with other players as a team and wanna do morning or afternoon for hours on end with teammates and figure out stuff with the game and working together as a team.

CFX ARENA : Meanwhile you are able to put your hands on CrossfireX, we have seen you competing on Rogue Company and literally slaying. Do you still take pleasure to compete on it and have you achieved your goals on this game?

JR : I stopped playing after the fourth or third CMG 10k tourney, I don't play it anymore, I just couldn't stand on what was happening in the game and the goal wasn't achieved. I might of gotten 2nd place on the first CMG 10k but the way it was and it's not that I hate the game or anything, because I understand all games have issues and problems but I felt like the game wasn't going anywhere when the big big tourneys come out and I also feel like even though I got into the CMG 10k multiple times, after the team I left that got second place, I played with a team that got 15th seed and got top 4 in it. After that I went too a different team not only a different team but had a female in it by the way and also got in it twice with her and her roommate and got top 10 not sure though the website doesn't tell us expect for top 3. But I feel like the fact that I got in it with three different teams and one of them had a female in it, I feel like the people in it and others expect for the people supporting my team actually cared.

CFX ARENA : Even if your goals hasn't been achieved and the game hasn't really blowed off you still can be proud of what you accomplished, and especially letting the chance to a female player to frag alongside yourself. What are the mistakes CrossfireX should avoid in order to place it over Rogue Company on the Esports games list and do you expect the game (CFX) to impose itselfs as a main title for the competition for Xbox players?

JR : Yes I do think the game has potential in Esports. I think since playing the beta and the second I played it, I had CSGO vibes from it and think Xbox can have it's own big Esports like it did in Gears of War when MLG picked it up.

Gringo JR on Pro Gam3rs Magazine

CFX ARENA : You have played the beta, and probably have a first global overview of the game. What do you expect from the devs in term of adjustements and options?

JR : When playing a game that's CSGO like, is too not lose focus keep your head in the game, use comms and work with your teammates at all times. Team work will always win then a slayer, slaying out, having team shots, better angles and map control. As for the people making CFX, I would hope that don't make adjustments on things like making one gun way more over powered then the others makes no sense, making maps even as much as possible and not one sided, making sure the nades aren't over powered and make it utility base game and make sure the game is a buy system and not adjust the shooting in the game I feel like the gun pattern were fine in the beta and if they do adjust don't make it impossible to hit a shot like Valorant. I would hope they would make the comp game mode a buy system like CSGO and the modern game mode a loadout base. Have custom lobbies made and isn't messed up when it comes out and as for the options menu probably make sure the sensitivity isn't odd when you adjust it high or low on it and make sure the if they make a adjustment on something and it needs too be fixed or adjusted more then they work on it and ask the players that play the game, even the non comp players opinion and see if they can make it not over powered or too weak. Oh and one more thing if it can't be fixed right, then remove from the game and work on it another time.

CFX ARENA : We share the same opinion at CFX Arena. As for the previous guys we have interviewed here, we can easily imagine you have a team ready for the launch or at least a few players. What are your ambitions?

JR : We would love to have a team or may have a few but the goal is to have a father and son duo and find some other players that want to actually win, work as a team, work on maps, figure out better ways to counter/better plays for planting bomb, defusing bomb and ways to take sites back as a team. A lot of players forget they have players that can help out and have comms at all times.

CFX ARENA : I am very exited to know you motivated to play and work on strategies with your father, and can not wait to see the result! What do think about the CFX Arena project and do you think it can help the community to grow all with federating a solid hub for competitive players like yourself?

JR : Yes it 100% can as long as the players wanna compete, play with other players as well and not be toxic to each other it sure can.

CFX ARENA : Thank you JR, we will do our maximum to promote the Classic side of CFX and be there for every competitors for the years to come. What kind of games do you like to play to chill after a tournament, and are you implied in other projects?

JR : I am playing and streaming indie games on VoxPopGammes, as a Affiliate Sponsor Streamer someone asked me and I said I'm down for it and it's something I can do when I'm not playing comp games or just wanna play a different game. I really do like Indie games and I enjoy playing different type of games and enjoy new things that these devs make. It's also someone anyone can do rather it's for an hour or two the more the better but it also gives a spotlight for these indie games that the some of these devs made and show that Indie games can shine like the big games we have to this day right now. If you're interested go too Twitter @VoxPopGames, go to and join there disocrd and chat with the devs and another way of getting Revenue.

CFX ARENA : We sincerely commend the initiative, the world needs more VoxPopGames projects! Our interview is approaching to it's end, and we would like to let you the last words.

JR : I'm GRINGO JR, you can come to my stream at, twitter for me and my dad GRINGO SR @GRINGOJR1 and @GRINGOSR3

CFX ARENA : Thanks again for the time allotted to CFX Arena, we wish you the best on CrossfireX and see you both incredible persons on the game as soon as possible!

JR : Yep yep thanks for having me!

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